What is a Mid-Handicapper in Golf? (All you need to know)

What is a Mid-Handicapper

if you are a beginner to golf and wondering what is a mid-handicapper and in which handicap ranges you fall then you are not alone most beginners go through these confusions. Handicap is a term used frequently in golf games and if you are taking your game seriously, you should know what is a handicap.

A handicap is a numerical representation of your ability and serves as a comparison between different golf players the lower your handicap score is the better player you are. Handicap values depend on the previous scores that a golf player has hit. Men’s handicap lies between 0 to 36 and for women, it is between 0 to 40.

The golfers are ranked in three categories based on their handicap abilities.

  • Low handicappers: lower handicap golfers are the players who rank between 0 to 10. Unlike other games, low handicappers are the best players in golf.
  • Mid Handicappers: a mid-handicapper is a golf player whose handicap index lies between 11 and 20. These are average golf players which means they have few bad holes.
  • High handicappers: High handicap players have an index greater than 20; the maximum handicap index is 36 for men and 40 for women.

In this article, we will only focus on mid-handicappers.

What is a mid-handicap golfer?

Mid-handicap golfers have a handicap index between 11 to 20. Mid handicap scores between the low 80s and 90s. most of the time Most men golf players exist in this category according to the USGA statistics 45% of golf players are mid-handicappers.

Players who fall in this category have a few bad holes but overall, they are good scorers as they are only below low handicappers.

Mid-Handicap categories

Due to the no of players falling in this category mid handicap is further divided into three sub-categories.

Below we review each category and provide you understanding that where you stand in those categories.

  1. Lower mid handicapper
    The players in this category play off a 10 to 12. These are the best players in mid handicapper category and normally shoot in the low 80s. however, at times they can break into the 70s as well.
  2. Mid mid handicapper
    The player in this category plays off a 13 to 16 and tends to shoot scores regularly between the mid to high 80s.
  3. Higher mid handicapper
    High mid-handicap players shoot scores between the high 80s to mid-90s and have played off a 16 to 20. They are usually the players who just promote from high-handicappers.

How to move from mid-handicapper to low handicapper

As experienced golf players, we know how much it is amusing and memorizing to see your hard work paying off and seeing yourself improve day by day. There are a few areas where mid-handicappers need to improve to improve their ranking.

If you are a mid-handicapper who is struggling to improve their handicap ranking then we will provide you some tips and tricks that will help you in improving your handicap. Below are some golf strategies for middle handicappers that will help you to improve your game.

Shot Workability

As a golf player, you know that golf is not all about hitting the ball for long distances and you will be needing more than basic ball swing and flight if you want to be better at golf. You will need to improve your shot workability and be able to curve or slice the shot as the situation requires. At first, it seems very daunting to curve the ball but with practice, you can achieve it and it will be very useful for you around trees and other disruption areas.

Shot Distance Control

Mid handicappers still struggle with their shot control and are not sure that their every shot will travel the same distance. Every golfer must consistently hit shots for a good distance if they want to improve their handicap ranking. If you want to improve your shot distance control you should practice more and try using a launch monitor that will help to improve your distance and muscle memory.

Minimize three puts

This is one of the most important areas where mid-handicappers need to improve and will make a difference in your game. You will need to practice more and need to control shot distance so that your every shot drops near the pin. The more your shot drops near the pin the less effect it will impost on your next shot and will improve your overall game.

Shot penalty control

It is impossible to hit every shot perfectly, but you should know what you need to do according to that bad shot to remain in play when you hit a bad shot. Accuracy is key to achieving shot consistency, and you can achieve it with regular practice.

Consult professional

Sometimes it is very difficult to move forward on your own. You should consult some professionals and take some golf lessons to improve your game. You don’t need to take a lesson regularly but it is more important to practice what you have learned. We recommend you take a lesson per week or month and practice those lessons to improve your game.

Practice, practice, and practice

Hard work always pays off but keep in mind that it will not change overnight you will need some consistency, hard work, and time to improve a lot. Low handicappers also hit some bad shots but they know where their mishits will land. The more you practice the more predictable your shots will become you know beforehand what to expect from your shots.

Best Golf Clubs For Mid Handicappers

Now as a mid-handicapper, if you want to improve your handicap ranking you should buy game improvement equipment that best suits your game. The more confidence you will get the more you hit shots with more distance and spin. You should get more forgiving equipment and improve your game as well.

Due to the no of players in this category, most of the brands hit this category and made equipment that matches specifically requirements of this section.

Here is our list of best golf clubs for 20 handicappers:

  1. Best drivers for mid-handicapper
  2. Best Irons for mid handicappers
  3. Best golf balls for mid-handicappers
  • Irons
    As a mid-handicapper, you should buy irons that provide more forgiveness and game-improvement features when you get confident about your game you should move toward irons that are difficult to handle
  • Drivers
    Drivers should be your priority as mid-handicappers if you want to keep your ball in the fairway. As a mid -handicapper we should recommend you use drivers with 10.5 or higher loft.
  • Wedges
    Wedges depend on the player’s game style and preference, however, wedges with cavity back design and lower center of gravity are the best choice for mid-handicappers.
  • Balls
    The choice of golf ball depends on the golf player some players love to use premium golf balls but others consider the price factor and use cheap golf balls. Some players fear losing their golf balls and use golf balls that are easy to find in the woods.


We have given you an understanding of what is a mid-handicapper. Normally a mid-handicapper hits a score between the 80s to 90s and if you fall into this category then try to move forward with breaking the 80s. we have also provided you the tips and tricks about how you can improve your game.


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